stop the bleeding

blood is red liquid
blood circulates in arteries & veins
blood is warm
blood is the stuff that makes our hearts beat
blood is life

blood is the stuff that makes us be alive


blood is what makes us all the same
living beings
blood is what unites us

blood is red

in humans
and non human animals
in old & young
and in between
in woman & man
and in between
in dark and light skinned,
and all in between
in 2 and 4 legged.
and even the ones with fins

when we bleed we are hurt
a cut
a bullet hole
a leak in life
bleeding is the same for all
blood stops circulating when life says goodbye

for some when time is up

for others, when time has come.

nonhuman animals loose theirs daily
taken from them
brutal and full of violence
to be food.

humans loose theirs on the streets,
for the colour of their skin
for loving who they love
for being born where they were

blood is life
life is precious
lets stop the bleeding

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